Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time is service?

    We meet on Sundays in person and online at 9:30 am. Kids Church occurs at the same time as the main service.

    All Church Going Deeper & Come For More Classes happen at 11 am.

  • Do you have services for kids and youth?

    Yes! Kids’ are an important part of our community. We have a self-service nursery open and available during the service as well as during our learning time following the service.

  • How long do services typically last?

    Our worship services typically last for about 75 minutes. Our worship time consists of singing, prayer, communion (1st Sunday of the month) and other service elements that are followed by a sermon and a response time of singing. Don’t be shy to linger a little longer after the service - we have free coffee and cookies!

  • What should I wear?

    Just be you - don’t dress up or down for anyone. We’d love to know you just the way you are.

  • Can my baby be dedicated at WCC?

    We do have baby dedications during our church services occasionally. If you would like to have your baby dedicated at Waushara Community Church please click the button below to contact the office to get you all the info you need to have your baby dedicated at WCC.

  • Can I get married at WCC?

    We have weddings at Waushara Community Church from time to time. For more information concerning getting married at WCC please click the Contact Us button below and get us some more information so that we can help you on your way to getting married.

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible to people of all different abilities. Each entrance is easily accessible, but just in case we do have an ADA-compliant button-triggered access point near the front doors as well as an ADA-compliant family bathroom in the lobby.

  • What denomination is the church affiliated with?

    Waushara Community Church is affiliated with the EFCA - Evangelical Free Church of America. More information can be accessed on both the About Us Page as well as the EFCA Page.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube channel.

  • Can I talk to a pastor?

    If you have any other questions or simply want to talk to a pastor, we’re on the other end of this line and are eager to chat with you.