When: Wednesday, 6:30 pm 🕖
Where: ROCK Room; N2126 22nd Ave, Wautoma, WI 54982 ⛪️
ROCK | Our mid-week gathering for students Grades 7–12 is on Wednesday nights @ 6:30 pm (September-July) in the ROCK Room in the Lower Level. Please use the North West Parking lot entrance and feel free to drop your student off down the hill behind the building.
We believe spiritual growth is facilitated best through a variety of experiences within the safety of a caring, Gospel-centered community. To that end, each weekly meeting has a unique focus on worship, teaching, small groups, bible study, fun, and community service. ROCK is fueled by a team of adults who love Jesus and want to see teens grow in their personal faith.
We also encourage parents of ROCK Students to consistently come to check out ROCK and take a more hands-on role in the spiritual growth of their students as they are able.
September 4th, 2024 will be our Kick-Off Night for the new year. We request that all parents attend this night to hear what's going on, get all the necessary paperwork for the year, and support your students in this new year.
*For those who can't stay, we will be sending out a packet of paperwork for the school year that we would like back ASAP from you.
*Please note that the calendar may have additions or subtractions - please check back for changes.
Sunday School runs from September through May and meets at WCC during the ALL Church Sunday School hour at 11:00 a.m. worship hour. Our Sunday School program rotates through a curriculum course with the goal of providing students with a well-balanced foundation in the Bible, Jesus, Christian Doctrine, and Apologetics. We desire to see students enter adulthood as resilient disciples, "owning their faith," with the passion and tools required to carry high the banner of Jesus Christ in our culture.
Sunday School | Grades 7–8
Sunday School | Grades 9–12
Meet our youth leaders (from left to right): Sarah Borud, Tim Borud, Alissa Wright, Lois Jewel, Michelle Marks, Michael Marks, David Kingston, James Chamberlain, and Aaron Sowma.
If you have any questions for our ROCK Leaders, please contact them at rock@wausharacommunitychurch.org or send a message at the link below!